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Plant Genomics in China XII the First Announcement

发布时间:2011-03-15 来源 :中国农业科学院棉花研究所 访问量 : 作者: 科技管理处

     The 12th Conference of Plant Genomics in China will be held from August 19 through 21, 2011 in Anyang, Henan Province. The Conference will emphasize new progresses on plant genomics, and is aimed at the promotion of the development of agro-biotechnologies. The Conference will invite leading scientists and experts in the relevant areas both in China and around the world to present their latest scientific discoveries. Graduate students and postgraduates are encouraged to present their work in the Conference.

     Confirmed Speakers

     Philip Benfey (Duke University)

     Xiaofeng Cao (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS)

     Catherine Feuillet (UMR INRA-UBP)

     Dianjing Guo (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

     Huishan Guo (The Institute of Microbiology, CAS)

     Zuhua He (Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai Institute of Entomology, CAS)

     Jizeng Jia (Institute of crop science, CAAS)

     Honming Lam (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

     Chuanyou Li (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS)

     Hongqing Ling (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS)

     Bao Liu (Northeast Normal University)

     Hong Ma (Fudan University)

     Jingling Meng (Huazhong Agricultural University)

     Mitchell Olds (Duke University)

     Yan Pei (Southwest University)

     Xiaoquan Qi (The Institute of Botany, CAS)

     J. Antoni Rafalski (DuPont Crop Genetics / Pioneer HiBred International)

     Dan Voytas (University of Minnesota)

     Kunbo Wang (Cotton Research Institute, CAAS)

     Shiping Wang (Huazhong Agricultural University)

     Xiujie Wang (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS)

     Changyin Wu (Huazhong Agricultural University)

     Hongwei Xue (Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai Institute of Entomology, CAS)

     Yongbiao Xue (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS)

     Jianbing Yan (Huazhong Agricultural University)

     Shuxun Yu (Cotton Research Institute, CAAS)

     Dabing Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

     Qifa Zhang (Huazhong Agricultural University)

     Tianzhen Zhang (Nanjing Agricultural University)

     Xiansheng Zhang (Shandong Agricultural University)

     Xianlong Zhang (Huazhong Agricultural University)

     Zhen Zhu (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS)


     Genetics Society of China


     Institute of Cotton Research, CAAS

     Organizing Committee

     Chairman: Qifa Zhang (Huazhong Agriculture University)

     Executive Chairman: Jianru Zuo (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS)

     Secretary General: Shuxun Yu (Institute of Cotton Research, CAAS)


     Xiaoya Chen (Institute of Plant Physiology & Ecology, CAS)

     Kang Chong (Institute of Botany, CAS)

     Xingwang Deng (Yale University, USA)

     Hongya Gu (Peking University)

     Bin Han (National Center for Gene Research, CAS)

     Guangcun He (Wuhan University)

     Jizeng Jia (Chinese Academy of Agriculture Science)

     Liwen Jiang (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

     Zhensheng Kang (Northwest Sci-tech University of Agriculture and Forestry)

     Jiayang Li (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS)

     Zhikang Li (Chinese Academy of Agriculture Science)

     Yaoguang Liu (South China Agricultural University)

     Hong Ma (Fudan University)

     Zhengqiang Ma (Nanjing Agricultural University)

     Qixin Sun (Northwest Sci-tech University of Agriculture and Forestry)

     Guoliang Wang (Ohio State University, USA)

     Xingzhi Wang (Northeast Normal University)

     Ping Wu (Zhejiang University)

     Weihua Wu (China Agricultural University)

     Yongbiao Xue (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS)

     Pei Yan (Southwest University)

     Daoxiu Zhou (Paris XI University, France)

     Yuxian Zhu (Peking University)

     Scientific Sessions

     The Conference includes 6 sessions. Each session is featured by keynote speeches (30 minutes), followed by other oral presentations (20 minutes) and Student/Postgraduate reports (15 minutes). All lectures should be presented in English.


     Genome Sequencing and New Technology

     Functional Genomics

     Proteomics, Metabolomics and Bioinformatics

     Transgenic Technology

     Genomic Diversity

     Genomics-Based Breeding

     General information

     The registration fee is 1200 RMB for regular participants and 800 RMB for students before June 30, 2011. Late registration may be allowed, and the registration fee will be increased to 1500 RMB for regular participants and 1200 RMB for students.  The deadline for registration is July 10, 2011. Though registration after the deadline may be accepted, there will be no guarantee for the accommodation and the abstract to be included in the printed Conference Proceeding, the registration fee will be increased to 1800 RMB.

     Abstracts: All Abstracts should be submitted on-line (URL address). The abstracts are expected to contain new information of high scientific standards. An abstract of no more than 500 words should be submitted in a file prepared.

     Posters: Posters in any topics listed in the above-mentioned Scientific Sessions are encouraged, and should be prepared in a size of 120 cm (high) × 90 cm (wide).

     Commercial demonstration and exhibitions: Space will be provided for commercial product exhibitions. Please contact the organizers for the registration fees. Donations and sponsorships from commercial vendors or other firms are welcome and will be acknowledged by edition of their product information into the Conference Proceeding.

     Contact us:

     Xiaohui Wang (Cotton Research Institute, CAAS)

     wangxh@cricaas.com. cn;  wywxhwqq@126.com;  sugercandy00@hotmail.com


     More information will be provided in the second circular. For registration and other affairs, please browse the website: http://www.plantgenomics.cn/ http://www.chinagene.cn/ http://www.cricaas.com.cn/

上一篇:中棉所2011年高校应届毕业生招聘面试名单 下一篇:中国农科院棉花所2011年招聘工作人员公告